School Enhancement: An Alternative to “School Turnaround”
Written by Dr. Beverly J. Irby and colleagues from an educational leadership think tank, this piece examines conceptions of school enhancement and its key components as an alternative to school turnaround.
The Relationship Between and Among Philosophy, Epistemology, Ontology, and Axiology: A Brief Overview
Written by Dr. Beverly J. Irby, this research brief highlights the connections between these philosophical concepts.
APLUS Summer Leadership Institutes for School Leaders Serving Underserved Campuses
Written by Dr. Beverly J. Irby and her colleagues, this research brief describes professional development opportunities for school leaders serving schools and programs with large numbers of English learner and economically disadvantaged students.
APLUS Virtual Professional Development for Campus Leaders
Written by Dr. Beverly J. Irby and her colleagues, this research brief features several types of virtual professional development designed for campus leaders, including Massive Open Online Professional Individualized Learning (MOOPILs) and Virtual Professional Learning Communities (VPLCs).
APLUS Virtual Professional Development for Campus Teacher Leaders
Written by Dr. Beverly J. Irby and her colleagues, this research brief features several types of virtual professional development designed for campus teacher leaders, including Massive Open Online Professional Individualized Learning (MOOPILs) and Virtual Professional Learning Communities (VPLCs).
APLUS Master’s Degree in Educational Administration
Written by Dr. Beverly J. Irby and her colleagues, this research brief highlights the outcomes of a new online standards-aligned, competency-based M.Ed. program for aspiring principals of high-needs campuses.
APLUS School Enhancement Programs
Written by Dr. Beverly J. Irby and her colleagues, this research brief provides an overview of the APLUS school enhancement program, the process, and the district and student results.
Project Massive Open Online Professional Individualized Learning (MOOPIL)
Written by Dr. Erin Singer and her colleagues, this research brief includes an introduction to MOOPIL, overarching goals, the framework of MOOPILs, virtual professional development (VPD), MOOPIL development, the randomized control trial (RCT) research on MOOPILs, and the VPLC L.E.A.D.E.R process
Empowering Teachers of English Language Learners (ETELL)
Written by Dr. David Jemenez and his colleagues, this research brief includes an introduction to ETELL, virtual professional development (VPD), virtual mentoring and coaching (VMC), virtual classroom observations, and the impact of ETELL Statewide for years 1-4
Project Literacy Infused Science using Technology Innovation Opportunities (LISTO)
Written by Dr. Rafael Lara-Alecio and his colleagues, this research brief includes an overview, components of Project LISTO, and more information on year three and four of this project.
Research & Innovation Brief: Family Involvement in Science (FIS): An Overview of the Practice
Written by Dr. Beverly J. Irby and her colleagues, this research brief includes an overview, observations of FIS, professional development relationship, FIS components, conceptual framework for the approach, and improved outcomes
A Model for Preparing Academic Leaders (Project PAL) for Teachers of English Learners Building Instructional Capacity Within a Socially-Responsible Principal Preparation Program
Written by Dr. Beverly J. Irby and her colleagues, this research shares a model of a principal preparation program that is socially responsible. The program is collaborative with two departments at the Texas A&M University College of Education and Human Development: Educational Administration and Human Resource Development and Educational Psychology (Bilingual Education). The program is being tested as (a) a four-semester program for 36 credit hours, (b) a year-long residency with an intensive summer residency, (c) a randomized control trial study with the treatment students receiving virtual mentoring and coaching, and (d) an analysis of family-community involvement program and dual language program development by the candidates. How we are evaluating the project is also shared.
From MOOCs to MOOPILs: Pushing the Boundaries of Virtual Professional Development and Learning for Teachers
Written by Dr. Beverly J. Irby and her colleagues, this article includes a discussion of the growing use of virtual professional development and learning for educators
Military Student Achievement Report
This report presents data related to the performance of military-connected students in Grades 4 and 8 and the high school level for math and English/language arts.
Military Student Identifier
The ELRC dataset is significant as it allows for cross-tabulations of the data, which provides insight into some of the characteristics of the Texas military student population.
Strategies for School Improvement and Inclusion in Schools with Changing Demographics
W.K. Kellogg Foundation awarded $1.5 Million to Dr. Jean Madsen, Dr. Mario Torres, and Dr. Wen Lou to develop an exploratory school improvement model called “Strategies for school Improvement and Inclusion in Schools with Demographically Diverse Students.”
Arts Access Initiative
In an era of increasingly limited resources, the state of arts education is potentially facing a crisis.